

As we travel around this big brown country in our Traveling Trainer Caravan, we’re going to be running workshops at different towns and caravan parks we stop at along the way.

We might run a Reliable Recall workshop on the beach, or a session on setting up your campsite to keep your dog or dogs feeling safe, relaxed and secure.  We could teach you some better skills to help with Loose Lead Walking, or even some fun and games with Trick Training.

If you want to know when we’re running workshops and where, please complete the form below to join our mailing list.  You’ll receive an email from Lesley every now and again with dates and locations, and how you can join the session.  If you want to host a workshop, please email Lesley directly, click here.

You can see the complete of upcoming workshops and classes by clicking the Bookings Tab, or view the list of workshops below.

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Stay up to Date with where The Traveling Trainer Caravan with Lesley and her dogs are on their journey, and when they are coming to train somewhere near you!